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Deal or No Deal

Tina thought and then spoke. "So you would look like a man except for your breasts? Is that right?"


"But your chest is hairy - wouldn't your DD cup breasts look much better of you didn't have any hair on your chest?"

"Ahh - Yes. You are right. No hair on my chest."

"In that case, shouldn't you remove the hair on your back also? Hair on the back but not the front - funny looking, right?"

"Sure. Yes, of course."

"And how about the hair on the rest of your body? If the top half of your body has no hair, it would look funny for you to have hair on your legs - right?"

"Right. So no hair anywhere except of course where a girl would have hair."

"Exactly. Including your face? As long as you are at it, why shave anymore?"

"Brilliant! I'll get a girl's face also, and not have to shave any more."

"So you'll have a girl's breasts and face, and your body would be as hairless as a girl's. What about your legs?"

"Hairless, as we said already."

"No - I mean their shape. Who do you think has better looking legs - you or me?"

"Don't be silly. You do, of course."

"Then as long as you are making your legs hairless, why not give them the shape of girl legs?"

"Hmmmm --- Why not? That would be an improvement. I'll do it."

"Also, what about your stomach? It kind of sticks out a bit. Why not give yourself a girl's midsection - beats dieting."

"Great idea."

"And your rear end? (She turns around.) Do you like my rear or yours better?"

"Again you win. Yours of course - yours is really sexy, and mine is nothing."

"Don't you want to be sexy there too? So you'll get a girl's rear end also?"

"Yes, you are right again. So, all told, I'll be a girl in very way except for my cock. A 100% girl, but with a cock. Do we have a deal?"

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