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A New Experience

"No, I am alone." She replied.

We sat for quite a while, just chatting about life, drinking more and more. Eventually I noticed it was almost seven o'clock, and I was beginning to feel quite hungry. Looking at Kate and feeling as though we were getting on really well I asked if she would like to have an evening meal with, my treat. She agreed and we made our way into the dining room. Whether it was the drink or whether it was Kate's sheer beauty I was starting to have very erotic thoughts about her. Wondering about things like how good she was in bed, did she like foreplay, was anything out of bounds and just how far she would go sexually? No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't shake the feelings. I desperately wanted to take this woman to bed.

We had a full three course meal, and I noticed that Kate was very picky and didn't seem to want to eat much. She definitely didn't need to go on a diet. Maybe eating with someone she met only a few hours previously was making her nervous. We finished our meal, and yet another bottle of wine, before I asked for the bill, paid and invited Kate for one last drink in the bar. It was almost ten o'clock and we had been drinking, eating and chatting for five hours.

We sat in the bar area, this time away from the bar in the comfortable seating. I couldn't believe how horny I was feeling for this woman, I just wondered what she was feeling.

"What room are you staying in?"I enquired. "I will walk you back when we finish."

"Well I was actually hoping I would be staying in yours." Her reply stunned me.

"I-I-I would really like that. "I stammered back, feeling slightly foolish.

"Well drink up and let's go then. "She smiled at me, winking.

We almost ran up the stairs to my room, both of us desperate for each other. No sooner had we got through the door Kate started ripping my clothes off.

What happened next really confused me, because there I was stark naked, yet she had only gone topless.

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