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My Noisy Upstairs Neighbors Part 2

In my previous post, "My Noisy Upstairs Neighbors," I shared the story of how I finally confronted my upstairs neighbors about the constant noise they were making. However, this encounter took a devastating turn, leading to a traumatic and deeply violating experience, when they raped me and filmed it.

Well, just yesterday, a loud, forceful banging echoed through my apartment door. When I opened it, there stood my older neighbor, a strikingly muscular man in his late fifties with a commanding presence. I would later learn his name was Paul. "Hey bitch," he said with a sneer, "remember me?" How could I forget? Not only does he live above me, but he also just raped me! "We need to talk," he commanded. Before I could respond, he pushed past me with a determined stride, heading straight for my bedroom.

I closed the door and followed him into the bedroom. "The video we made went viral," Paul revealed. "Everyone's asking for more. So here's the deal: we're making more, the three of us, starting today.

I was stunned, unable to find the right words. "I don't know..." I stammered, but Paul, sensing my hesitation, cut me off sharply. "I'm not asking you," he declared. "I'm telling you."

What Paul didn't know was that he and his younger roommate didn't have to rape me or force me into porn, both were my fantasies. I always dreamt of being a sex slave or object, just a piece of meat men could have their way with. I always fantasied about being gang-raped, having a train pulled on me by multiple men, and being passed around like nothing but a sex object. And I always wanted to be a porn star. Really: they didn't have to be so mean, so thuggish about it, all they had to do was ask. The only question is: will they pay me? Will they share the revenue with me? Or are they just going to exploit me for free, just make me a sex slave? Sure, I love attention, so just being a porn model would be awesome, money or not, but I'd like to make a little money off it if I could. Yet, I was too scared to ask. I explained, "I can't tonight, I'm going to work, I'm free Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays."

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