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Silk Scarf

Catherine’s pace began to increase as she rode his cock faster and faster. With it grew Michael’s pleasure. She slammed her ass against his balls again and again, driving him deeper and deeper inside of her.
“Fuck me lover!” she called out. “Fuck your woman!”

In every aspect of his mind, that was exactly what she was to Michael. She might have a slightly different anatomy than he had expected, but she truly was the girl of his dreams. The tension in his cock could be felt all the way down to his toes as the rising tide Catherine had paused a few minutes before returned with double the intensity. His lover recognized the tightness in his groin as she pressed against it once more.
Catherine pulled Michael’s face against her breasts as she slammed down once final time. An action that burst the dam within him, sending a raging torrid into the tight confines of her ass.
The sudden release caused Michael’s entire body to relax. Like a rag doll he lost all strength in his extremities as it was replaced by a crashing wave of euphoria. He opened his mouth to speak but didn’t have any energy to do even that.
The young man collapsed against the back of the chair, his head resting in the bosom of her breasts. She wrapped her arms around him and held him close, even as she felt him grow soft inside of her.
He had been fun, as the smile on her face attested, the best she’d had in a very long time. Michael had genuinely believed in their little game, something very rare in her conquests. He might very well be the one.
Normally, Catherine preferred virgins, only playing the game once with each new lover. This time however, she was sure there would be a second act.

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